Monday, July 27, 2009

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

The last time I got a haircut was early May 2006 and ever since then, I have not seen the inside of a barber shop or anything. It has not even been trimmed or touched since then. I just wanted to go all out and grow out my hair because I wasn't allowed to do it in high school.

But now, I'm starting to think that maybe it's time for at least a trim.

I have brown hair with natural highlights that can be seen in the sun. My hair is fine and straight with very minor curling/split ends at the end. My hair can be ponytailed and it reaches to my collarbone.

I'm in a metal band, so I want to keep it long for my style. I was thinking of just trimming the tips so it's all one length.

Any comments or suggestions?

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

Shape it like an anime character hair style...seriuosly...mine is.

Keep it growing longer no matter what control freaks tell you... long hair shows that your strong, disciplined and that you are not a slave to anyone.

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

If you like your hair choppy at the ends you should trim it 2 in. or something but ask the barber to layer your hair a make the ends choppy. Or just make it completely even everywhere....

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

These are THE three hairstyles acceptable for men (with long hair)

A- Loose, and swept back

B- Ponytail

C- Frenchbraid

it helps to ride a motorcycle if you're wanting a frenchbraid

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

hmm ponytail like rafa marquez or half a ponytail like beckham

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

maybe cut out the split ends but dont have it all and the same length looks better that way when you are head banging. also at the front dont you might want to try it to the side. if you keed it to the middle it looks like a butt head. if you do make it to the side try making the front of it a bit shorter... like sort of emoish.

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

Dread It


Hair style for a guy with long hair?

Just get a few inches off. (to get rid of the split ends) You should also ask what products you should use. Try to deep condition your hair at least once a week for about 10 minutes. If that seems to girlish, then you can skip that.

Hair style for a guy with long hair?

ive got the same hair and about the same length, i havent had a a trim or a haircut for over a year and a half and i dont know whether i should, i like it the way it is

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