Monday, July 27, 2009

I have straight hair, and I want to know some cute styles for straight long hair??

i have loong straight hair and i like to do different things to it like curl with a curling iron, or braid it and make it wavy and things like that. but i want to know if you guys know some cute hairstyles, maybe something you guys do, cause i want to make my hair a bit different, and also ways to put up your hair that look good. any suggestions?? thanks guys! =] %26lt;3

I have straight hair, and I want to know some cute styles for straight long hair??

taking about a 1/2 inch to an inch of hair from each side

of your face, pulling it back, combing it, then snapping it in place with a barret is simple and adorable, also very popular.

it looks ecpecially cute if you do that, THEN curl it.

I have straight hair, and I want to know some cute styles for straight long hair??

wave or curl it and put in like a half updo or half ur hair down,...then do like a messy bun or pony thing on top wit like shorter tendrils in tha front..:) thats what i do cuz i got long semi straight hair

I have straight hair, and I want to know some cute styles for straight long hair??

If you have side bags, I would put my hair in a half pony tail and keep my bangs down!

I have straight hair, and I want to know some cute styles for straight long hair??

Try doing a poof and put your hair up in a ponytail. Then take the ends from the ponytail and use a curling iron to curl it. It looks so beautiful when you go out to any party and it looks professional!

I have straight hair, and I want to know some cute styles for straight long hair??

scrunch it and put it up in a pony tail.

or just side part it and scrunch it.

also you just answered my question about myspace... what exactly should i google search for?

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