Monday, July 27, 2009

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

Should I keep my long hair style or cut my hair???

- I'm the one holding my hair up.....

-or Long hair???

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

wow, you're so prettty!

i like your long hair soo much, i say you keep it that way :D

but the short hair looks very nice too, so you really can't wrong

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

i think shorter hair would look really cute on you

especially with your facial structure.


Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

ur holding it up in both pics and i think u should keep it long...ur reaaly pretty!

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

omg i love ur hair its so cute please dont cut it!!!

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

Keep it the way it is. It frames your face nicely =)

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

I agree short is sassy and cool you will look really cute

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

I personally love long hair but if your in the mood for a change i say cut it!! If you hate it, its hair, it'll grow back :]

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

long :]

You're gawww-gesss.

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

short! sooo cute

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

the long hair looks amazing... i think if you cut it short, you would look really young, like 10 years old. but the long is sooooo gorgeous!! i wish my hair would grow that long:(

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

Long!! you will regret cutting it. I sure did now I have to spend so much money on extensions. !

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

long definatly!

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

in between!

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

u look good both, but i'd go longg

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

he first and third pic are really nice!! But this time, I'd go wit shot hair! U look really nice nd pretty!!!!

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

long :)

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

first i want to say that you are very pretty XP

and second of all i love your hair long, it looks good but you should always change around, i mean, it's only hair. plus with you bone structure and strong face you would definitely look good with short hair

hope that helped!

good luck :]

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

You can sell your long hair at:

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?

i really like the long hair on u but if u go short that would look kinda cute but in my opinion i think long hair

but it's ur choice

Short or Long hair?? Pics included?


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